ロジクール社製プレイステーション・カーゲーム操縦用インタフェース Logitcool-made PlayStation Car Game Control Interface\
4年くらい前に5万円から6万円で購入しました.\r最後に使用したのは3年前です.\rそれ以降使用していません.\r物理的な破損個所は無く,動作すると思いますが保証はしかねます.\r\r宮崎台駅付近まで受け取りに来てくださる方いませんか?.\rお値段をつけてくれる方を優先します.\r\rThey were purchased about four years ago for around 50,000 to 60,000 yen. \rThe last time they were used was three years ago, and they haven't been used since. \rThere is no physical damage, and I believe they still work, but I cannot provide any warranty.\r\rIs there anyone willing to come and pick it up near Miyazaki-dai Station? \rI will give priority to those who can offer a price for it.